Spiritual Therapy

Children's Story About Spirit and Survival

The Rainbow Fire Dragon: A Fairy Tale of the Soul

In the deepest, most forgotten corners of the human heart lives a creature more elusive than any other: the Rainbow Fire Dragon. It is a being of light and shadow, fire and mist. It exists everywhere and nowhere, just beyond the veil of what we call the real.

No map can guide you to it. No eye can see its shimmering form, no hand can grasp its scales, and no voice can summon it. The Rainbow Fire Dragon does not answer to words—it listens to something far older, far deeper. It hears the call of the soul.

The wise ones say that the dragon only appears when it is truly needed. It watches over those who are lost in the dark, those who tremble in the face of nightmares both waking and sleeping. But it does not come when you call with fear—it comes when your heart cracks open with longing, when sorrow has left you hollow, when you stand at the threshold of despair.

The dragon’s fire is not like any other. It does not burn—it transforms. It is the fire of rebirth, the fire that turns wounds into wisdom, suffering into strength. In the ancient stories, they say that a child who finds their Rainbow Fire Dragon is never truly alone again. Its presence is unseen but felt, wrapped around them like a cloak of light.

Not all will meet this dragon, and that is no misfortune. For those who do not need it will find other guides—perhaps a fox of cunning, an owl of wisdom, a stag of courage. Each soul calls what it needs, and the magic that answers is always right.

But for those who do find the Rainbow Fire Dragon, it is theirs forever. It never leaves, for it was never separate to begin with. It was always part of them—the guardian flame of their deepest self, waiting for the moment they were ready to see it.

And when the day comes that they no longer need to call it, they will understand the greatest secret of all: the dragon was never outside of them. It was always within.

- Written by Sara Ouimette, LMFT. I offer spiritual therapy in Oakland, CA. Contact me today to learn more about my work.