Psychotherapy in Oakland, California
What if your broken heart was a portal to freedom?
Perhaps you've felt alone in your encounters with mortality, exquisite sensitivity, spiritual confusion, choices of medicine, illness, or responses to losses. Maybe your life-choices, experiences, or identities feel tender; and you need to know your therapist will “get” you.
Life hasn’t gone according to plan. You’re looking for a way through the pain of being human.
You don’t have to do it all by yourself.
Our conversations can help you:
gain perspective on your emotions, behaviors, and relationships (self-acceptance)
identify destructive beliefs, thoughts, and stories you tell yourself (paradigm-shift)
make choices that align with what will serve you best (agency)
discover inner allies and resources you never knew you had (self-reliance)
make sense of intense experiences with illness, grief, in dreams, or in altered states of consciousness (integration)
address pain, grieve losses, find meaning in your suffering, and discover who you really are (individuation)
I’m Sara, a psycho-spiritual psychotherapist for folks living with chronic illness, highly sensitive people, spiritual warriors, and the bereaved in Oakland, CA. I help individual adults move through grief and loss to find a deeper sense of meaning in their lives.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”